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These are the hottest women alive right now, from Victoria's Secret supermodels to social media megastars.

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25 Hottest Women in the World Right Now. 18 Bella Hadid. 19 Kendall Jenner. 20 Emily Ratajkowski. 21 Kim Kardashian-West. 22 Blake Lively. 23 Irina Shayk. 24 Jasmine Tookes. 25 Hannah Jeter.

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Who are the hottest women in the world? People have voted, and this is a list of the most beautiful women worldwide in 2019.

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This is the list of the hottest women we are thankful for this Thanksgiving. Some of these ladies are considered the hottest women in the world. So for that, we

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List of Complex's 100 Hottest Women Right Now, ranked by the combined opinions of 4634 people as of July 2019. Add your votes to this ultimate ranking. FHM's 100 Sexiest Women is an annual listing compiled by the monthly British men's lifestyle Speaking about being named the sexiest woman in the world for a second year running, Lopez said she was "overwhelmed", and added: "Any