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How much would a lawyer even cost for something like this? Wait is porn even illegal? Stop it, Amelia! Your little girl needs you. Breathe.

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I started watching porn from the age of 13 or 14; at least twice a week,. especially a young girl, should get their sexual education from porn..

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There have been countless times I've had to respond to a parent's pleas for help after they have just discovered their child has viewed pornography.

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The teenagers are part of Start Strong, a nationwide peer leadership program that aims to prevent teen violence. The Porn Literacy course was

In the old days, if a kid stumbled across porn, it would be a picture of a that the kids frequently watched pornography in school and attempted to to porn, which could impact the child's ability to engage in a healthy adult If you are lucky, you might just catch your child watching a softer version of pornography, and at a much later age. But trust me, there is soon going to be a time